Thursday 23 August 2018

Article - A Story Of A Gambling Addict

Just a quick post and a really good read from an article today from the BBC (I cant believe i'm actually saying that!)

It just goes to show how gambling addiction permeates across all levels of society. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. It doesn't matter how intelligent you are or how much money you have, whether you have prospects or you don't. If you gamble, it could be you too (dun dun DUUUUN)

The part that really hit home is where he talks about the effect it began to have on his Mum. It makes me think of all the shit I put my family and girlfriend through. A good reminder that we do this for more than just ourselves

Youtube Affiliation? A Chipmonkz Case Study.

So it seems the doomsday of Youtube slots channels may be upon us. Out of all the big popular channels there are but a handful left. Some ...